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They are the ones who give me the energy to stay awake at night, sometimes until small hours in the morning, writing content pages for this site.

Many people - children and adults - have to buy expensive books, CDs and other materials in order to be able to communicate in Portuguese. Many of those strive financially to do so.

I strongly believe that this site will help them to achieve their goals.

I'm also sure that hundreds of those who visit this site every day will appreciate what you just did - your contribution.

I personally and specially thank you for that.

Your contribution will help me to dedicate more time building this site and, at the same time, help those with fewer options to learn Portuguese.

Muito obrigado, once again!

Rafa x

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Here are some pages you may find interesting:

  • The Portuguese alphabet.
  • European Portuguese Pronunciation
  • Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation
  • Portuguese Determinants
  • Portuguese Nouns
  • Portuguese Verbs
  • Free Portuguese Verb Table
  • Portuguese Adjectives
  • Portuguese Prepositions
  • Portuguese Connectors
  • Portuguese Adverbs
  • Portuguese Question Words
  • Portuguese Numbers
  • Portuguese words similar to English
  • Direct and Reported Speech
  • Useful Portuguese Phrases
  • Days Of The Week
  • Phrases to get by - Brazilian Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese phrases for second meeting
  • Some Portuguese Bad Words
  • Difference Between Por and Para in Portuguese
  • Present Subjunctive in Portuguese
  • Personal Infinitive in Portuguese
  • Future Subjunctive in Portuguese
  • Video-Lessons

  • * * * * *